Post by Pete JodeSo just to clarify the prince over their order does not have the ability to give
their members a knighthood.
The original order only accepted member of the nobility in the first place.
So knighthoods were bestowed after apprenticeships upon entrance into the
But to answer your question, no the Prince can not bestow knighthoods to
members of the order by his own choice. I do believe however, that he does
have several other knighthoods he could bestow if he so wished. But these
would not become part of your name or confer nobility as under law there is
no such thing as a noble estate anymore in Germany. In other words, even
someone did become knight of this-and-that by being knighted, his name would
not change.
Only one of the two dozen of reigning sovereigns can bestow titles that
become part of your name. Of course, Americans aren't allowed to accept
foreign honours, and Germans can call themselves whatever they want, as long
as there is no attempt of deceit and as long as they identify themselves
with their proper name in all affairs involving government departments.
Hope this helps.
One small error. The ban on foreign honors in the US Constitution actuall
states: "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no
Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the
Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title,
of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign State." Citizens
other than those affected by the above may accept anything they wish.