2013-05-11 12:34:22 UTC
Does anybody know which arms the de Torby morganauts sported? Were
they granted arms by the Grand Duke of Luxembourg together with the
comital title?
Did their mother use the Merenberg arms (de sinople au sautoir d'or
cantonné de douze croisettes recroisetées du même) and if so, did they
inherit it or some derivation thereof?
I am surprised that there are no descriptions or displays of such arms
floating around, as the de Torbys went extinct in the male line and
the presumed heraldic heiresses married into some rather prestigious,
armigerous families (Wernher of Luton Hoo, Battenberg of Milford
Haven, Grosvenor of Westminster and Hamilton of Abercorn). So one
would expect to some quarterings with said arms.
BTW the Wernher arms don't seem to be much in evidence either. They
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they granted arms by the Grand Duke of Luxembourg together with the
comital title?
Did their mother use the Merenberg arms (de sinople au sautoir d'or
cantonné de douze croisettes recroisetées du même) and if so, did they
inherit it or some derivation thereof?
I am surprised that there are no descriptions or displays of such arms
floating around, as the de Torbys went extinct in the male line and
the presumed heraldic heiresses married into some rather prestigious,
armigerous families (Wernher of Luton Hoo, Battenberg of Milford
Haven, Grosvenor of Westminster and Hamilton of Abercorn). So one
would expect to some quarterings with said arms.
BTW the Wernher arms don't seem to be much in evidence either. They
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