Post by for NicolaiThank you George,
I am having the problem with who replaced whom!
As much as "I" understand or are able to translate,
both where rector as well as Canons, whereby the first was "Bishop???"
So a chaplain/Canon replaced a Bishop???
The whole thing doesn't make sense to me!
Maybe something is lost in translation or I don't have enough
Sadly those titles are not being translated!
The first fellow is Jerzy Iwaszkiewicz from an old Polish-Lithuanian
noble family. He was made a canon of the Mohylew archdiocese in 1849,
and in 1859 started serving in the St. John chapel in the Corps de
Pages. He held that appointment until his death. In 1872 he was
appointed a suffragan bishop (a bishop who assists the ordinary
archbishop of the archdiocese). In 1874 he assumed the role of a vicar
capitular of the archdiocese or the interim administrator of the
vacant diocese. He died in 1876.
The second fellow is Marcin Karlowicz - from a Polish burgher family.
From a post at Dorpat University (Tartu) he was transferred to the St.
John Chapel in 1874 where he was first the interim and then the
regular chaplain. He was appointed a canon in 1876.
This shows that the post at the Corps de Pages was an important one
and was held by individuals who had history of a good career in career
trajectory in the Church and could be a stepping stone from and to
other administrative roles. In both cases the chaplain was already or
shortly to become a canon of the cathedral chapter and in the fiorst
case a suffragan bishop, but these are separate positions as I had
previously tried to describe.
Kind regards,
George Lucki