Prussian blazon - please help ...
(too old to reply)
2018-07-29 11:56:37 UTC

I'm a bit of an amateur when it comes to continental heraldry and I definitely don't speak German.

I came across the following blazon described in a 19th century Prussian reference:

1: "(In Blau drei, zu 2, 1 gestellte goldene wilde Schweinsköpfe und dazwischen in der Mitte eine silberne Schnalle ; auf dom Helme eine blühende Diestelstaude)"

2: "(In Blau ein silberner Schräglinksbalken. Auf dem Schilde 2 weisse Tauben und der ungekrönte Helm mit 5 weissen Strnussfedern geziert. Kühne IV. 74.)"

Can anyone please translate to English and describe 1: and 2:? Also, can anyone identify the reference to "Kühne IV. 74."?

Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

Best regards.
Basil D
2018-07-29 16:49:01 UTC
Post by JFerg
I'm a bit of an amateur when it comes to continental heraldry and I definitely don't
speak German.
1: "(In Blau drei, zu 2, 1 gestellte goldene wilde Schweinsköpfe und dazwischen in der
Mitte eine silberne Schnalle ; auf dom Helme eine blühende Diestelstaude)"
2: "(In Blau ein silberner Schräglinksbalken. Auf dem Schilde 2 weisse Tauben und der
ungekrönte Helm mit 5 weissen Strnussfedern geziert. Kühne IV. 74.)"
Can anyone please translate to English and describe 1: and 2:? Also, can anyone
identify the reference to "Kühne IV. 74."?
Well, my German consists of Google Translate, so take the following with a good deal of salt.

1: Azure, a buckle argent between three boars' head Or. For a crest, a blooming thistle.

2: Azure, an "oblique beam" (bend? bend sinister??) between two pigeons argent. On an
un-crowned helmet five Strnuss feathers. -- did you miscopy "Strunssfedern"?

I have no idea what "Kühne IV. 74." means; perhaps a book/roll-of-arms reference?
Post by JFerg
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
Best regards.
And now someone who speaks German will come along and show all the mistakes I made. ;-)

Peter Howarth
2018-08-01 13:37:15 UTC
Post by Basil D
Post by JFerg
I'm a bit of an amateur when it comes to continental heraldry and I definitely don't
speak German.
1: "(In Blau drei, zu 2, 1 gestellte goldene wilde Schweinsköpfe und dazwischen in der
Mitte eine silberne Schnalle ; auf dom Helme eine blühende Diestelstaude)"
2: "(In Blau ein silberner Schräglinksbalken. Auf dem Schilde 2 weisse Tauben und der
ungekrönte Helm mit 5 weissen Strnussfedern geziert. Kühne IV. 74.)"
Can anyone please translate to English and describe 1: and 2:? Also, can anyone
identify the reference to "Kühne IV. 74."?
Well, my German consists of Google Translate, so take the following with a good deal of salt.
1: Azure, a buckle argent between three boars' head Or. For a crest, a blooming thistle.
2: Azure, an "oblique beam" (bend? bend sinister??) between two pigeons argent. On an
un-crowned helmet five Strnuss feathers. -- did you miscopy "Strunssfedern"?
I have no idea what "Kühne IV. 74." means; perhaps a book/roll-of-arms reference?
Post by JFerg
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
Best regards.
And now someone who speaks German will come along and show all the mistakes I made. ;-)
I agree with your translation of no.1.

No 2 is: azure, a bend sinister argent. On the shield (presumably sitting on it), two white doves. The helm, without coronet, decorated with five white ostrich feathers (= Straussfedern)

I can't find any reference to match Kühne.

Peter Howarth
Basil D
2018-08-02 19:24:56 UTC
Post by Peter Howarth
Post by Basil D
Post by JFerg
I'm a bit of an amateur when it comes to continental heraldry and I definitely
don't speak German.
1: "(In Blau drei, zu 2, 1 gestellte goldene wilde Schweinsköpfe und dazwischen in
der Mitte eine silberne Schnalle ; auf dom Helme eine blühende Diestelstaude)"
2: "(In Blau ein silberner Schräglinksbalken. Auf dem Schilde 2 weisse Tauben und
der ungekrönte Helm mit 5 weissen Strnussfedern geziert. Kühne IV. 74.)"
Can anyone please translate to English and describe 1: and 2:? Also, can anyone
identify the reference to "Kühne IV. 74."?
Well, my German consists of Google Translate, so take the following with a good deal
of salt.
1: Azure, a buckle argent between three boars' head Or. For a crest, a blooming thistle.
2: Azure, an "oblique beam" (bend? bend sinister??) between two pigeons argent. On an
un-crowned helmet five Strnuss feathers. -- did you miscopy "Strunssfedern"?
I have no idea what "Kühne IV. 74." means; perhaps a book/roll-of-arms reference?
Post by JFerg
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
Best regards.
And now someone who speaks German will come along and show all the mistakes I made. ;-)
I agree with your translation of no.1.
Great! I'm glad to know I got it right. :-)
Post by Peter Howarth
No 2 is: azure, a bend sinister argent.
Ah, so that's what an "oblique beam" is. I figured it was either a bend or a bend
sinister. :-)
Post by Peter Howarth
On the shield (presumably sitting on it), two
white doves.
Ah! Doves sounds more likely than pigeons.
Post by Peter Howarth
The helm, without coronet, decorated with five white ostrich feathers (=
Oh, so that's what "Strnuss" is/are. ;-)
Post by Peter Howarth
I can't find any reference to match Kühne.
Peter Howarth

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