On Feb 27, 5:51 am, Graham Milne <***@btinternet.com>
> On Feb 26, 11:59 pm, Akins of that Ilk <***@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> > On Feb 26, 5:26 pm, Graham Milne <***@btinternet.com>
> > wrote:
> > > On Feb 26, 9:34 pm, Akins of that Ilk <***@yahoo.com>
> > > wrote:
> > > > On Feb 26, 1:46 pm, Graham Milne <***@btinternet.com>
> > > > wrote:
> > > > > On Feb 26, 5:28 pm, Akins of that Ilk <***@yahoo.com>
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > On Feb 26, 11:17 am, Graham Milne <***@btinternet.com>
> > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > > On Feb 26, 4:32 pm, Akins of that Ilk <***@yahoo.com>
> > > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > > snip
> > > > > > > Is there any evidence that the Akins lived at Kyleakin?
> > > > > > Perhaps a bit of graffitti scratched on one of the rocks of
> > > > > > Dunakin.....there is our DNAhttp://www.worldfamilies.net/surnames/akins/results
> > > > > > which is catagorized as R1b1b2a1b5, known as the Northwest Irish modal
> > > > > > haplotype or Niall of the Nine Hostages group:
> > > > > > "As expected the majority of the Ulster families are the R1b1b2
> > > > > > haplogroup and its subclades. The group comes in circa 85% at present.
> > > > > > The dominate subclade in the group is the R1b1b2a1b5, which includes
> > > > > > the Northwest Irish modal, the R1b1b2a1b5b, or as some like to call it
> > > > > > the Niall of the Nine Hostages group. Most of the participants
> > > > > > classified into the R1b1b2 group have not yet done the necessary
> > > > > > subclade tests to determine if they also would be R1b1b2a1b5 group and
> > > > > > it is very likely that the majority would test positive to it.These
> > > > > > people are the descendants of Celtic tribal groups indigenous to
> > > > > > northern Ireland, Argyll, Aryshire, Wales, and other locations in
> > > > > > northern Britain." -http://uhblog.ulsterheritage.com/2009/04/ulsters-genetic-roots-reveal...
> > > > > That doesn't establish a connection to Kyleakin, merely a general
> > > > > Celtic descent.- Hide quoted text -
> > > > > - Show quoted text -
> > > > I believe to get to the connection with the area of Kyle Akin you
> > > > would have to go back to the rather apochryphal ancient history of our
> > > > clan which states according to oral tradition that we are descended
> > > > from Eachin (Acainus), a son of Fingon (Findanus), son of Dungal
> > > > (Doungallus), son of Giric (Gregorius), son of Ailpein (Alpinus), son
> > > > of Eochaidh, etc....
> > > Can I take it from all this waffle that you have no proof whatsoever
> > > that the Akins family have any connection to Kyleakin?- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -
> > Proof is in the eye of the beholder when it comes to anything which
> > one does not personally experience first hand. At some point we all
> > have to resign ourselves to the fact that we can never have definate
> > proof of everything and that we must either accept what we are told is
> > the truth or reject it. I accept the fact that my clan has pedigree
> > which traces our origins back to Eachann mac Fingon mac Dungal mac
> > Gregor mac Alpin mac Eochaidh mac Aedh Find of the line of Fergus mac
> > Erc. I accept that there are legendary accounts that Dun Akin castle
> > and Kyle Akin derive their name from Hakon I, son of Harald Fairhair,
> > through the marriage of Hakon's daughter Maria to Fingon mac Dungal,
> > who are given as the early ancestors of the Clan Akins going back to
> > the Dark Ages, which would place my ancestors at Kyle Akin during a
> > time from which we have very little in the way of surviving records of
> > indisputable reliability.
> You seem to be claiming descent from Hakon. This would make us
> cousins. I have 67 documented descents from Olaf II (St. Olaf), who I
> think was Hakon's great-great-great-great-grandson (I didn't know of
> Hakon's connection to Kyleakin when I sailed there last summer - Wish
> I had!). Here's one:
> Olaf II, King of Norway = Astrid III
> Ordulf, Duke of Saxony = Wulfhilda of Norway
> Magnus, Duke of Saxony = Sophia of Hungary
> Henry I, Duke of Bavaria = Wulfhilda of Saxony
> Frederick II of Einaugige = Judith of Bavaria
> Frederick I 'Barbarossa' = Beatrix of Burgundy
> Philip II of Swabia = Irene Angelica (great-great-granddaughter of
> Alexius I Comnenus, Emperor of Byzantium)
> Henry II of Brabant = Marie of Swabia
> Robert I of Artois = Mechtilde of Brabant
> Edmund 'Crouchback', Earl of Lancaster = Blanche of Artois
> Henry, Earl of Lancaster = Maud de Chaworth
> Sir Richard FitzAlan, Earl of Arundel = Eleanor Plantagenet
> Sir John FitzAlan, Earl of Arundel = Eleanor Maltravers
> Sir Thomas Willoughby of Parham = Joan FitzAlan
> Sir Robert Willoughby = Cicely Welles
> Christopher Willoughby of Parham, Baron Willoughby d'Eresby = Marjery
> Jenny
> William Eure, 1st Baron Eure = Elizabeth Willoughby
> Sir Ralph Eure, Warden of The Middle March = Margery Bowes
> Robert Lambton of Lambton (d. 1583) = Frances Eure
> John Lambton of Durham (d. 1628) = Katherine Kirby
> John Lambton of Durham (b. 1624) = Margaret Hall
> Sir Robert Eden (b. 1644 d. 17 May 1720) = Margaret Lambton (b. 1651
> d. 22 Jul 1730)
> Sir John Eden (b. About 1680 d. 2 May 1728) = Catherine Shafto (d. 2
> Jul 1730)
> Sir Robert Eden (b. About 1718 d. 25 Jun 1755) = Mary Davison of
> Beamish (d. 30 Jan 1794)
> Thomas Eden (b. 1734 d. 1 May 1805) = Mariana Jones (b. About 1750)
> Arthur Eden (b. 9 Aug 1793 d. 1874) = Frances Buncombe-Poulett-
> Thomson (d. 25 Mar 1877)
> Hugh Hammersley (d. 28 Sep 1882) = Dulcibella Eden (d. 1903)
> Walter Nassau Senior (b. 1850 d. 1933) = Mabel Barbara Hammersley (b.
> 1864 d. 1943)
> Oliver Nassau Senior (b. 1901) = Dorothy Gardner Smith (b. 31 May
> 1904)
> Denys Gordon Milne, CBE (b. 12 Jan 1926) = Pamela Mary Senior (b. 23
> Aug 1928)
> Graham Nassau Gordon Senior-Milne (b. 29 Sep 1955)
> I also have 406 documented descents from Kenneth MacAlpin. Here's one:
> Kenneth I MacAlpin, King of Scots = Not known
> Constantine I, King of Scots = Not known
> Donald II, King of Scots = Not known
> Malcolm I, King of Scots = Not known
> Kenneth II, King of Scots = Not known
> Malcolm II, King of Scots = Not known
> Crinan 'The Thane', Mormaer of Atholl = Bethoc
> Duncan I, King of Scots = Sybilla
> Malcolm III 'Canmore', King of Scots = St. Margaret
> Henry I 'Beauclerc', King of England = Matilda of Scotland
> Geoffrey V of Anjou = Matilda of Germany
> Henry II 'Fitzempress', King of England = Eleanor of Aquitaine,
> Duchess of Aquitaine
> Alphonso VIII, King of Castile = Eleanor Plantagenet
> Louis VIII, King of France = Blanche of Castile
> Robert I of Artois = Mechtilde of Brabant
> (See above for remainder)
> Welcome to the family!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
Here is the line of descent I have for Eachann or Acainus:
Generation One:
Erc, King of Dal Riata in North Western Ireland. Died in 474.
Erc is said to be a son of Eochaid Munremar, King of Dal Riata; and is
said to have had several sons including Loarn and Fergus
Generation Two:
Fergus, King of Dalriada. Died circa 501
Fergus established the Irish kingdon of Dalraida in what is now
Argyle, Scotland. He is thought to have ruled for about three years in
succession to his brother Loarn.
Generation Three:
Domangart, King of Dalriada. Died circa 506
Married Feldelm Foltchain, said to be a daughter of Brion, son of
Eochaid Mugmedon. Brion was a half brother of Niall of the Nine
Hostages, a High King of Ireland in the 5th century.
Generation Four:
Gabhran, King of Dalriada. Died circa 559
Married to Ingenach or Lleian, a daughter of Brychan.
Generation Five:
Aedan, King of Dalriada. Died circa 608 after ruling for about 37
Aedan is said to have been a cousin of St. Columba by whom he was
Generation Six:
Eochaid I Buide, King of Dalriada. Also Eochu Buide; Died circa 630
Eochaid was a younger son of Aedan, and succeeded as King of Dalriada
becuase all his older brothers had been killed.
Generation Seven:
Domnall Brecc, King of Dalriada. Died at the Battle of Strathcarron
circa 642
Generation Eight:
Domongart, who did not reign. Died (killed) circa 673
Generation Nine:
Eochaidh II, King of Dalriada. Died (killed) circa 697 after ruling
about three years.
Generation Ten:
Eochaidh III, King of Dalriada. Died circa 733 after ruling about
twelve years.
Generation Eleven:
Aedh Find “The White”, King of Dalriada. Died in 778 after ruling for
about 30 years.
Generation Twelve:
Eochaid “The Poisonous”, King of Dalriada. Ruled after 780.
Eochaid is said to have married to Unuistice, a Princess of the Picts.
Generation Thirteen:
Alpin of Kintyre, King of Dalriada
Died (killed fighting the Picts in Galloway) circa 837 after ruling
about three years. His son:
Generation Fourteen:
Gregor (Giric) Did not rule.
Giric was a younger brother of Kenneth (Cináed) MacAlpin, King of
Alba, who united the Scots and the Picts with the establishment of the
Kindom of Alba, which comprised Dalriada and the Kingdoms of the
Generation Fifteen:
Doungallus (Dungal) *
Doungallus married the princess Spontana, daughter of the High King of
Generation Sixteen:
Findanus (Fingon)
Findanus married Maria, daughter of King Hakon I of Norway and
acquired Dunakin Castle at Kyle Akin on the Isle of Skye as a dowry.
Generation Seventeen:
Acainus (Eachann) Died (killed fighting the Danes in the Battle of
Luncarty) circa 980.
A younger son of Findanus, Acainus was the progenitor of the Clan
The 108 Generations of Descent from Adam to Acainus
According to the Milesian Geneologies
Acainus (108), Fingon (107), Dungal (106), Gregor (105), Alpin 104),
Eochaid "the Poisonous" (103), Aedh Find (102), Eochaid III (101),
Eochaid II (100), Domongart (99), Domnall Brecc (98), Eochaid I Buide
(97), Aedan (96), Gabran (95), Eochaid (94), Domangart (93), Fergus
Mor (92), Erc (91), Eochaid Munremar (90), Niall Noigiallach (89),
Eochaidh Muigh Meadhoin (88), Muredach Tireach (87), Fiacha Srabhteine
(86), Cairbre Lifetree (85), Cormac Ulfhada Mac Art (84), Art-Ean-
Fhear (83), Conn Ceadcatha (82), Felim Rachtmar (81), Tuathal Teach
mar (80), Fiacha Fionn Ola (79), Feredach Fionn Feachtnach (78),
Crimthann Niadh-Nar (77), Lugaidh Sriabh-nDhearg (76), Breas-Nar-
Lothar (75), Eochaidh Feidhlioch (74), Fionn (73), Fionnloach (72),
Roighean Ruadh (71), Asaman Examined (70), Blathta Bamba (69), Labra
Luire (68), Enda Agneach (67), Aongus Turmeach Teamrach (66), Eochaidh
Altleathan (65), Olioll Casfiachalach (64), Conla Caomh (63), Iarn
Gleo-Fathach (62), Melg Molbhthach (61), Cobthach Caol-breagh (60),
Ugaine Mor (59), Eochaidh Buidhe (58), Duach Ladhrach (57), Fiachadh
Tolgrach (56), Muredach Bolgach (55), Simeon Breac (54), Aodh Glas
(53), Nuadhas Fionnfail (52), Galahad (51), Olioll Olchaoin (50),
Siorna Saoghalach (49), Dein (48), Rotheachta (47), Maon (46), Aongus
Ollmuchach (45), Fiachadh Lamhraein (44), Smiorgoill (43),
Eanbrotha(42), Tighearnmas (41), Falach (40), Eithriall (39), Irial
Faidh (38), Eremon (37), Milesius (36), Bile (35), Breoghan (34),
Brath (33), Deagh (32), Arcadh (31), Allah (30), Nuadhad (29), Nenuall
(28), Febric Glas (27), Agnan Fionn (26), Eber Glunfionn (25),
Lamhfionn (24), Agnan (23), Tait (22), Oghaman (21), Beoman (20), Eber
Scott (19), Sru (18), Esru (17), Gaedil Glas (16), Niul (15), Feinius
Farsaidh (14), Baath (13), Magog (12), Japhet (11), Noah (10), Lamech
(9), Methuselah (8), Enoch (7), Jared (6), Mahalaleel (5), Cainan (4),
Enos (3), Seth (2), Adam (1)
Naturally any pedigree going back this far must be taken with a rather
large grain of salt, but it does bear out the DNA findings that show
the Clan Akins to be patrilineally descended from Niall Noigiallach.